Booking Widget
Add e-booking to your website with Booxi's Widget
Just place our button on your website to start taking appointments.
From the branding to the booking experience, you can customize Booxi as you wish.
Booxi is ADA compliant and available in 16 languages.
The experience begins with the ‘’Book Now’’ button, that you can customize and place anywhere on your website.
A pop-up appears and customers can select the service they would like to book. Bookings can be for individuals, or groups, in person or online.
Real-time availability is displayed and customers can choose the moment that works best for them.
Eliminate no-shows by automating reminders by email or SMS.
You can customize Booxi in a number of ways to deliver the booking experience you want your customers to have.
Booxi is completely customizable to fit your brand. Choose your color, font, logo, etc.
Booxi's booking experience can adapt to customers based on their localisation.
Our Widget is ADA compliant, meaning that all your customers can schedule an appointment.
Customize your customer journey and push data to your tech stack.